What BIOS flash utility can I use to flash BIOS from another MOBOS that are not same as one I using for hotswap?
Until now I used UNIFLASH 1.40 but (as U all surely know) for new eproms it wont work. Is there something as good and universal as UNIFLASH for eproms like: 25L8005 or 25x800VA that I meet on many new MOBOS?
Problem is mostly with AMI BIOS-es, becouse AFUDOS utilities dosn`t have "continue aniway" or "ignore ROM ID" option:)... Or they do?
Help please:)
Mobo1 - mobo with problem
Mobo2 - mobo for hotswap
FU1 - official flash utility for Mobo1
FU2 - official flash utility for Mobo2
At first i'm try FU2 on Mobo2 with command line key to prevent check BIOS version. If it doesn't work, then i'm try other flash utility (or other version FU2).
It means I need to type switch that is telling flash utility to skip checking BIOS version. Can u tell me what is proper switch for AUDOS.exe for Asus boards? On official AMI AFUDOS (downloaded from ami.com) i got -x switch for this action, but it doesn`t work with asus MOBOs I tried. It accepting only: afudos /iROMfilename.
Any expirienses with ASUS?
P.S. I tried to flash ASUS P5KC BIOS on ASUS P5LD2-X/GBH. (both using same eproms)
Afudos (Asus version) switches:
If switches doesn't work, then engineer version needed (afudos229ES, for example).
AFUDOS downloaded from ASUS.comdidn`t work with /n switch.
Then, I downloaded afudos229ES (version 1.9) and it worked immediately
So, for other users that have same problem this is way for flashing MOBO BIOS that are using AMI BIOS:
I found afudos229ES by simple googling and take first what come in list of sites. Then use this pattern:
afudos /i
Maco, thanks again for your prompt help:)
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