Патчер пишет: Microsoft Windows XP (С) Корпорация Майкрософт,

Патчер пишет:

Microsoft Windows XP [Версия 5.1.2600]
(С) Корпорация Майкрософт, 1985-2001.

C:\Documents and Settings\Vyacheslav>C:\bp\bp-4_23.exe
BIOS Patcher ver. 4.23.
Attention! Advanced qualification is required!

To run BIOS Patcher type: "bp patch_file [options]"
/c - manual add CPU Name (will be displayed for ALL CPUs!)
/d - not delete tmp-files
/e - show extended info (like using "cbrom.exe /d", without patching)

/h - this "help-screen"
/g - skip delete BIOS CGA-font 8x8 (increase size of modul.tmp)
/k - select multiplayer for VIA C3 processor: "/k3.5"=3.5x, "/k12"=12x etc
/m - manually select items for patching (default - search/patching all puncts)
/o - change "original.tmp" to another file (N/A at the moment - in development)
/p - try add "+PCI" -option (RAM_freq > CPU_freq) to VIA 693A/694X/694T
/s - remove "backup" -key (virtual dual-BIOS feature)
/v - RAM-tweak for Pentium1/2/3 with VIA-based MB
/u - "ultrapack": packs 2Mbit/4Mbit-BIOS to 1Mbit (N/A - in development)
/x - display real frequency for AMD Athlon XP processors
Example: "bp 6130.bin /e"
"bp 6via86p.bin /p/c/k8.5/d"

if you can`t see all messages - choose 80x50 mode or run with ">report.txt".
(c)2002-2003 apple_rom, www.ROM.by

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