As I said, there is no DVDRW present in BIOS or in Windows. I changed DVDRW for working one and it`s not because of him. Then I thought there is problem with IXP460. I changed him. Nothing changed. BIOS flashed and contacts on IDE connector for DVDRW are resoldered. What else could be problem?

Аватар пользователя Rom

HDD is present? Try without it.

Аватар пользователя Jega

HDD is SATA. I tried without him. The same.
DVD is reciving supply. Led is blinking.

Аватар пользователя Root

Try to change sb460 to brand new bridge. And check routes from connectors to contacts under south bridge - you can do it after unsoldering IXP460 from board :) Also maybe problem in power supplies on board...

Аццкий ромбовод {:€
Я пока не волшебник - я только учусь! :-P

Аватар пользователя Jega

IXP 460 I put instead old one was brand new.
You mean supply of IDE or supply in general?

Аватар пользователя Jega

Do you have pinout of micro IDE connector on notebooks? It must be something between south and connector it self.

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