Sorry I don't "speak" russian, nor can I read it. I had some lessons in school, but this is ages ago. But I managed to register anyway.
My problem:
I've got a ENMIC 8KAX+Pro mainboard, made in 2001. Now I have purchased a new processor, a AMD 2200XP+ Thorton. And, guess what, it isn't recognised by the BIOS.
I've tweaked the BIOS with BIOS Patcher up to 4.23. Now it is recognised as Thoroughbred B, which isn't bad. But the CPU-Freq isn't set correctly. If I set the jumpers to automatic, the BIOS thinks of the processor as Duron Applebred 1466, with jumpers to the maximum the manual describes it's 1666 MHZ. The CPU can get up to 1800 MHz.
It should be possible to set the BIOS correctly, because the mainboard supports Thoroughbreds with 1800 MHz (2200+).
Do you have any hints, or can you enhance BIOS Patcher?
My CPU is
AXMH2200FQQ3C Z379191L30155
You can get the BIOS at:
Best regards
To Andreas
Have you tried to change multiplier to increase the CPU frequency?
Does this point of BIOS Setup menu exist?
Have you tried to find a newer BIOS for your motherboard on a manufacturer site and
use it?
Added later
OK, I opened your bin-file with MODBIN, the point I've ascked doesn't exist
in this version of BIOS. So, there are three ways:
1)Find a newer BIOS.
2)Use FSB=150MHz.
3)If it's possible change multiplier manually with shortcuts on processor
Look here - maybe this bios will help you. But I doubt it - this CPU is on 166MHz bus and your mobo can't get more than 150 (and even that is not a normal mode). So, the only way to get it running on full throttle is make your CPU mobile and change its multiplier. Look at my tagline for a link to details.
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To DanZer
Когда я открыл биос по ссылке автора темы в MODBIN-e, то там максимальная
величина CPU Clock=250MHz, причем меняется с интервалом в 1MHz от 100MHz.
(When I open BIOS of the author of topic link with MODBIN I found a maximum value of CPU Clock is 250MHz and it changes with 1MHz step begining with 100MHz.)
Семен, мы говорим о работе конкретной платы или о лени разработчиков, которые один биос под несколько плат пишут? ENMIC 8KAX+Pro сделана на чипсете AMD761, максимальный делитель - 1/4. Поэтому FSB выше 133 (DDR266) для нее уже разгон, со всеми вытекающими... Где-то в хвосте ветки К7 можно найти похожую историю - Роман долго ковырялся с биосом чего-то на КТ266, пока все ж-таки не выяснил, что это кривые руки биосописателей.
brief translation
even if bios has hidden values for CPU clock, it doesn't mean, that they are working ones
PS by the way - you can use free BabelFish translator for reading pages in russian (and other languages). But not for writing - computer translations are much harder to understand than original english text. And, of course, english in IT is like classical latin in medicine
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Понял (understood) :oops:
No!, its all wrong look the CPU numbers
AXMH2200FQQ3C the last 2 numers are cache and FSB
3 - 256kb cache
C - FSB 133Mhz
Youre CPU work 13.5 x 133Mhz
Maby its the cripled (cache 256kb) by factory Thorton.
There is article on oc.ru about unlocking cache.
To Sasha_D
What is wrong? Would you be more specific please.
Упс, а это мой косяк :oops: Камешек-то действительно на 133 шине. Но зато изначально мобильный -> множитель не блокирован. Биос покрутить или скобки в сокет - и порядок. Или программно менять из-под винды...
Oops, that's my fault :oops: Your CPU has FSB 133MHz But it also has free (not locked) multiplier. So - if you can change it through bios setup, set multiplier to 13.5x Also you can use CrystalCPUId to change CPU multiplier under Windows
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Семен - No need for please
Andreas use wrong BP, last bios will not help him at all.
BP_4.23 doesn't recognise Thorton BP_4.51 does.
He don't know that Thorton is cripled (256cache) Barton (maby know).
Almost always on old MB multiplier over 12-13 must be set manualy
specialy becouse if CPU don't have locked multiplier.
You wrote about FSB 250Mhz BOOM!
and Andreas
DanZer - I think for CrystalCPUid CPU must be set to mobile,
maby i wrong never used it.
Проц-то и так мобильный, от рождения
This CPU is already a mobile one, so - there is no need to make it mobile.
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