Qdi Advance 9 (Socket 370) run with Celeron 1400 Tualatin

With the patch 4-1 of www.rom.by was not working. There was no space in the file of the bios pair to adding the new microcodes, finally erase the module cpucode and the module of the Logo, (it was occupying an atrocity of space), and then utilizй the patch. It worked perfectly. There is no Logo de Qdi but in return he supports all the processors Tualatin.

A Greetings

Аватар пользователя ivp

Filrond писал(-а):
With the patch 4-1 of www.rom.by was not working. There was no space in the file of the bios pair to adding the new microcodes, finally erase the module cpucode and the module of the Logo, (it was occupying an atrocity of space), and then utilizй the patch. It worked perfectly. There is no Logo de Qdi but in return he supports all the processors Tualatin.

A Greetings

Try to use the current version of BPatcher - 4.23, it is more stable...
Good Luck!..

- Ситчик веселенький есть?..
- Приезжайте, обхохочетесь!..

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